Boys Lacrosse Equipment

Boys Lacrosse Equipment

The crosse (lacrosse stick) is made of wood, laminated wood or synthetic material, with a shaped net pocket at the end. The crosse must be an overall length of 40 - 42 inches for attackmen and midfielders, or 52 - 72 inches for defensemen. The head of the crosse must be 6.5 - 10 inches wide, except a goalie’s crosse which may be 10 - 12 inches wide. The pocket of a crosse shall be deemed illegal if the top surface of a lacrosse ball, when placed in the head of the crosse, is below the bottom edge of the side wall. For U9 and U11 teams, the crosse may be shortened to a minimum of 37 inches.  Long crosses are not used at these levels.

The ball must be made of solid rubber and can be white, yellow or orange. The ball is 7.75 - 8 inches in circumference and 5 - 5.25 ounces.

A protective helmet, equipped with face mask, chin pad and a cupped four point chin strap fastened to all four hookups, must be worn by all players. All helmets and face masks should be NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) approved.

The mouthpiece must be a highly visible color and is mandatory.

All players are required to wear protective gloves. The cutting or altering of gloves is prohibited.

Other Protective Equipment:
All players, with the exception of the goalkeeper, must wear shoulder pads. Arm pads are required and rib pads are strongly recommended, and often required, as are athletic supporters and protective cups for all players.

The goalkeeper is required to wear a throat protector and chest protector, in addition to a helmet, mouthpiece, and gloves.


Stick Checks - How to know if your stick is legal

GD Boys Youth Lacrosse Stick Recommendation Guide

Stick Guide

Stick Guide
Stick Guide

NOCSAE ND200 safety requirement

NOCSAE ND200 safety requirement

IMPORTANT requirement for shoulder pads & goalie chest guards:

Effective January 1st, 2022  all field players shoulder pads and goalie chest guards MUST meet a new NOCSAE ND200 safety requirement. Product compliance with ND200 reduces impact forces and thus the risk of commotio cordi (cardiac arrest due to a blow to the heart area).